Introducing a new puppy to your other dogs

When we picked up Feargus he was only 27 pounds. We already had an English Mastiff that weighed 200 pounds. This mastiff is protective of the family and home, as all mastiffs are, but is friendly to visitors who are properly introduced to him. He is loving and gentle, which is why English Mastiffs are commonly called Gentle Giants.

When we brought Feargus home we decided to introduce him to our mastiff in the backyard, hoping it was neutral enough that the mastiff would be accepting of the puppy. We were wrong. Things rapidly became out of control, and I had to scoop the puppy up and retreat to the front yard. Fortunately, I had scheduled Feargus’s new puppy exam for an hour later, and asked our veterinarian what I should do about the overly protective mastiff. When I explained what had happened, she scolded me and said the backyard is not neutral enough. She asked if the Mastiff had ever been out front and I told her he had not. So that became the new plan. When I came home, I took Feargus into the front yard, and then my husband brought the mastiff out. Everything was new to him, so he happily accepted the puppy.

I learned a lot from this experience. Now these two are like brothers, inseparable and playing constantly. I am so grateful to our veterinarian for providing the right advice at the right time. It made Feargus’s transition into the household so much easier. Now I enjoy watching him grow up with his new brother teaching him the rules of the house.

One Comment

  1. Adorable!