8 Months Old

The time just seems to fly. I was watching my boy walk around my desk today and noticed his should it higher than the desk. So I measured him out of curiosity. According to the AKC the Make Irish Wolfhound has an average height of 32 inches at the shoulder. My boy measured 34 inches. I am quite happy with his growth rate. He hasn’t been weighed recently but will be going to the vet later this month and will be weighed then.

He can now reach everything on every surface in the house and has entered what we refer to as his “Terrible 2’s”. He grabs everything and when we are not careful, he grabs things off surfaces and chews them into pieces. The next 8 months will be a time of diligence for us, keeping everything put away. The latest victim were scissors that I used in the kitchen to open a box. I forgot to put them back into the drawer, and we caught him chewing the plastic handle off. Anything plastic a target. Years ago I had a female mastiff who destroyed an entire shoe collection in the space of an hour. I am trying to prevent a repeat of that costly mistake, and will continue to keep closet door closed, and surfaces clear. The greatest comfort here is that I know from past experience, this phase will pass….