Nothing But Trouble

I love my dogs. They do not have poker faces. Everything is right there, out in the open. This is especially true of a puppy. When you have a large breed puppy, it can be easy to forget that they are just that… a puppy. At 5 months this puppy is 85 pounds of play …

Fergus turns 5 months

My husband accuses me of having a database for a brain. I catalog and query old memories, and track most everything. In the case of Feargus, my latest obsession is how much he is growing. So it was exciting this week to take him in for his “Doggy Day Spa” day to get a bath, …

Feargus had a surprise in the mail!

Today Feargus received his certificate and medal for obtaining his AKC Star Puppy. We had to try on his medal and show off! The other dogs were also excited!

Let the Old Train the Young

it has been our experience when bringing a puppy into our home that is much easier if there is a older dog to teach him the ropes. This is no different than paring a new employee with a veteran where the veteran can impart the unwritten rules of the workplace to the new employee. This …

The First Day of Spring!

I don’t know about everyone else in the northern hemisphere, but we had a rough winter. If it wasn’t pouring rain it was snowing. The poor dogs didn’t want to go outside half the time and when they did, the yard was a swampy mess. The last few weeks have been mostly rain. For a …

The Life of Riley

I have heard this Idiom many times over my life, mostly from my parents generation. I always took it to mean having a easy, comfortable, and carefree life. When I looked up the definition I found it included the word “luxury” (The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved). The Irish Wolfhound is a breed that truly exemplifies the “Life of Riley”. …

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

“The flower of all the race, So true, so brave — a lamb at home, A lion in the chase. ‘Twas only at Llewellyn’s board The faithful Gelert fed. He watched, he served, he cheered his lord, And sentinelled his bed. To sooth he was a peerless hound, The gift of Royal John.” The Hon. …

Pets and time changes

I dislike time changes. I do not think my dogs like them either, but they get the benefit of sleeping the day away until they finally adjust in 6 months, and we have to do this all over again. Until then, I will jealously watch my sleeping wolfhound wishing I could curl up with him.

Stop the sleep Pheromones!

I work from home, and my dogs go to work with me every day. Most days they spend sleeping under and around my desk. My puppy has been suffering from a bout of GI issues, from eating everything in the back yard that can fit into his mouth, so I have been keeping him especially …